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Rockwell Automation's Learning+

Learning+ Training subscriptions include self-paced, on-demand e-learning courses that feature virtual in-class collaboration with instructors, labs and more. Learning+ gives you more options to choose how and when you want to train.

You can take Learning+ courses on any tablet or PC using Chrome, Safari, IE, Edge or Firefox. All the courses are narrated and have viewable transcripts.

Course Overview

As a Rockwell Authorized Distributor, McNaughton-McKay can quickly set you up with Learning+. Get ahead of the training curve and choose from a variety of courses.

  • Control
  • Cybersecurity
  • Drives
  • Industrial Networking
  • Software
  • Motion
  • Process
  • Safety
  • Visualization


All courses are available in a self-paced format – all you need to learn is a web browser! Additionally, the most commonly accessed courses are available in a hybrid virtual session. Each week, instructors are live online teaching these courses, so you can watch, learn, and ask questions. The same instructors are also available weekly for Office Hours – time when you can video chat and ask questions, get help, and learn from highly experienced technical resources.


The big question is always, "How much is it?" For your value and needs, Rockwell Automation regularly reviews its pricing structure. The costs listed below are to provide a general idea and may be subject to change. For the most current pricing, reach out to your local McNaughton-McKay training specialist.

*Administrative dashboard included

Contact Us

If you need more details on Learning+ or are if you're ready to enroll in a course, contact us and your local training specialist will assist you.