6 Ways to Lower Your Electricity Bill this Summer
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the typical U. S. residential household will use approximately 3,080 kilowatt hours of electricity this summer. EIA states that 87% of homes use air conditioning which accounts for 17% of annual residential electricity costs. Since 2010, residential energy consumption has been trending downward because of federal efficiency standards for heating, cooling and devices and appliances that consume energy.
Between June and August of this year, the typical residential customer’s electricity bill will total $412. While this is lower than 2018, there are still ways that you can save even more money than last summer.
Turn Your AC to 78° or Higher When You’re Not Home
Set your thermostat as high as comfortable for you. The smaller the difference between the temperature outside and inside, helps to save money. You can save between 4-8% on cooling costs for every degree the thermostat is raised. If you invest in a programmable thermostat, energy saving is even easier.
Use Ceiling Fans to Lower the Temperature in Your Home
When you use a ceiling fan, it allows you to raise the temperature on your thermostat by 4° without reducing your comfort. Fans use a fraction of the cost as air conditioning and make the room feel cooler. When you leave the room, simply turn them off for even greater energy savings. They are a great alternative when temperatures are cooler.
Take Your Cooking Outside
When the weather is warmer, don’t heat up your home by turning on the oven. This causes your AC unit to work even harder. Take your dinner plans outside to the grill. Even using a microwave helps reduce the temperature in your house. Other electronics that generate heat and increase the temperature are computers, dishwashers, televisions, curling irons and hair dryers.
Don’t Let Cool Air Leak Out of Your House or Let the Hot Air Get In
If there are any cracks or openings around your home, make sure you seal them so warm air doesn’t leak in. Weather stripping and caulk can help prevent cooler air from leaking out. You can also add a layer of protection by installing new insulation in your walls and attic that is rated R-38 or greater.
Regular Maintenance is Vital
You should have your AC unit checked regularly. It’s important to make sure filters, coils and fins are well maintained because a clean AC unit is an efficient AC unit.
Turn Down the Temperature on Your Hot Water Heater
Turn your hot water heater temperature to 120°. According to energy.gov, water heating accounts for 18% of energy consumed in your home. This is an easy way to reduce expenses.