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Brady Safety Solutions for Returning to Work


No matter what type of work environment you have, we all need to stay safe and think about the way we interact and layout our spaces. The way your work areas are arranged can have a giant impact on your safety. While we continue to reopen our business, there are so many things to consider and you need durable products to give you the confidence you need to keep your business moving while ensuring everyone stays safe. Brady has what you need when it comes to informed solutions that help you put reliable and professional safety in place.

Brady’s floor marking tapes are designed to help you increase productivity by controlling traffic in common areas where people are more likely to congregate. Public health experts recommend using hand sanitizer and disinfecting frequently in common and high-traffic areas. Brady signs are heavy-duty, waterproof and can withstand a variety of environments where staying clean is a priority. If you need to check for symptomatic individuals before they enter your facility, you’ll need to set up safe and efficient screening stations. With barricade safety solutions, you can easily set up and take down a station for shifts, temporary outdoor areas and even restaurants and theaters. Brady provides a variety of identification solutions, including on-demand printers, software, and materials.