Check Out The My Account Feature on
Did you know you can explore product information, view expected ship dates and tracking information, or request an order expedite and return authorizations directly from our website? The My Account feature on is your information hub to access all your account information. You can view saved product lists, open quotes, orders, and reference numbers. You can manage your account settings, and shipping address set default ship-to and will call addresses. There is also a quick reference widget available designed to keep you informed about the five most recent updates to your orders. The My Account Dashboard will save you time and streamline your online ordering process with McNaughton-McKay. You can also review our services and solutions, research and register for both on-site and virtual training courses, or view vendor stock levels from select brands all from the convenience of your desktop. Visit to set up your login and get started, all you need is your account number and company email address. Reach out to your sales representative or contact us at [email protected] for more information.